Madrid, February 2023. One more year the Fundación Mari Paz Jiménez Casado (MPJC) and the Grupo Español de Investigación en Sarcomas (GEIS) have signed a collaboration agreement to support education and research on Sarcomas.
Both parties have renewed the agreement as a result of the success obtained in joint activities developed since 2013.
In 2023, the collaboration will be as follows:
Academic Educational Area course 2022-2023:
2 Grants of the FMPJC in the amount of € 1,000 for the V Máster Universitario Tumores Musculoesqueléticos by GEIS / Universidad Europea (UE), and collaborate with at least 2 grants in the amount of €1,000 for the course 2023/24.
Prize of the FMPJC in the amount of € 250 to the student who obtains the best mark in the V Máster on Sarcomas and the best mark in the XV Curso Avanzado de Sarcomas organised by GEIS, and which will be held in October 2023.
GEIS suppport to hold the VI Curso de Enfermería Oncológica en Sarcomas.
Clinical Educational Area:
Call of the 10th Edition of the FMPJC Grant "Rotación Clínica sobre Sarcomas en centro de referencia Internacional" for a period of up to 6 months and in the amount of up to € 15,000 (gross). -
Call of the 8th Edition of the FMPJC Grant "Rotación de Enfermería Oncológica en Sarcomas" in a reference center for up to 2 months and in the total amount of up to € 3,500.
Call of the 6th Grant of the FMPJC of support for International Observer in the amount of up to € 2,000.
Research Area:
7th Triennial Grant of the FMPJC on Research on Sarcomas in the amount of € 75,000 gross (€ 25,000 per year).
The FMPJC will continue to partially support the grants of the 17th Edition of the "Becas José Mª Buesa" of GEIS in the amount of € 5,000.